Your ICT Community. Your Network For Growth.

Where experience leads, change tends to follow.

The PNG ICT Cluster propels ahead, fortified by seasoned ICT experts joining its ranks, igniting a force of innovation, collaboration, and expertise poised to shape the digital landscape with unprecedented vigor.

Since funding ended in June 2014 after the EU pilot project, the ICT Cluster initiative has been run on a volunteer basis up till present continuing the advocacy and synergy within the triple helix of private sector, academia and Government in the Industry clusters participation and dialogue.

PNG ICT Cluster Establishment Our Story

A Cluster is neither a sector nor an industry. It is a geographical concentration of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, and service providers, businesses in related industries, and associated public agencies and institutions.

Economic Clusters Our Story

The PNG ICT cluster was initially formed in 2014 through the European Commission’s active role in encouraging the development of world-class clusters. Through the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization (PIPSO) the Regional Pilot Cluster Initiatives were set up in four island countries: Papua New Guinea (PNG), Vanuatu, Samoa and Tonga.

Clusters in the Pacific Our Story

ICT is the enabler for development along all fronts.

The ICT Cluster stands as a catalyst for progress, empowering development across all fronts. With its transformative capabilities, it fuels advancements in technology, education, commerce, and connectivity, propelling societies toward a brighter future.

Explore Our Areas of Focus

The PNG ICT Cluster proudly showcases a professional membership reservoir, brimming with expertise that fuels the transformative power needed for seamless development to unfold across the nation’s digital landscape.

By harnessing the collective intelligence and experience of its members, the PNG ICT Cluster drives the rapid advancement of digital technologies and their applications throughout the nation. Through collaborative projects, research initiatives, and industry partnerships, the Cluster fosters an environment that nurtures growth and propels PNG to the forefront of the digital revolution.

Help us continue to support our members around Papua New Guinea and the world by donating today.

We are the voice of the PNG digital ecosystem, representing organizations that are redefining the world. We strive to connect, promote and advance the technology ecosystem to help the tech sector and the economy grow.

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